Net Worth $282,409

Up $4,403 from last month

This month month my net worth increase was lower than average, part of that is because we had some expenses we don’t normally have $250 for doTerra oils, and $100 for a computer. Another variable is that I don’t always have control over when my work deposits 401k contributions. On the 17th two days after I calculated my net worth $323 dollars worth of contributions hit the account. Of course investment performance is always a factor, however my investments in the market are still quite small in comparison to my overall net worth.

Assets Value 1 Month Change
Payoff (additional principal on rental mortage) $525 ($3,530)
Savings $20,620 $52
Roth IRA $12,453 $264
HSA $7,169 $495
House Primary $525,000 -
Rental $135,000 -
401k/Roth IRA $14,002 $546

Debts Value 1 Month Change
House Primary $370,680 ($623)
Rental $52,559 ($5,894)
Solar Panels $9,121 ($60)

For historical context check out a graph of our NetWorth over time.

I would appreciate any feedback you might have, please contact me or leave it below.

Thank you!