Net Worth $294,359

Up $5,735 from last month

In last months net worth update I mentioned that my grandpa was in a rough spot with his high interest mortgage and needed some help getting it refinanced. He was under the impression that he was too old to get a refinance in his name, luckily that was not the case. He has great credit so we got a favorable rate and are pursuing the refinance now.

I’m continuing to aggresively payoff my first mortgage (now a 2 unit rental). I now owe under 50k on the loan Woo Hoo! I’m also starting to ramp up my savings a bit because i’ll need 1-2k to pay the refinance fees for my grandpa when the time comes.

We’ve also decided to start saving up (6-10k) for a newer vehicle to replace our current family car. Most of the money my wife makes (see last months net worth update) will go toward this purchase, you won’t see the account listed here because i’ve chosen not to include vehicles as a focal point in my net worth calculations.

Assets Value 1 Month Change
Payoff (additional principal on rental mortage) $913 $113
Savings $21,515 $857
Roth IRA $13,751 $441
HSA $8,448 $649
House Primary $525,000 -
Rental $135,000 -
401k/Roth IRA $16,329 $914

Debts Value 1 Month Change
House Primary $369,430 ($626)
Rental $48,172 ($2,076)
Solar Panels $8,994 ($60)

For historical context check out a graph of our NetWorth over time.

I would appreciate any feedback you might have, please contact me or leave it below.

Thank you!